It all seems so simple; however, I am sure it will not be.
Every year, I like to set myself a challenge. Sometimes, it is reading, and sometimes, writing. So, for 2024, I have decided to do the Ray Bradbury 52-week challenge.
The premise is simple enough: you write and publish a short story every week. The theory is that some of them will be amazing if you follow the 80/20 role.
Why do this challenge?
I have fallen out of love with writing; thank you, Medium. I am also a massive Ray Bradbury fan, and if I pen one story in a year as brilliant as his, I am happy.
This is also, I hope, good news for you as well. Every week in 2024, a new short story will appear in the Twisted Tales collection on Ream. Even better, all I ask is for a follow. All these stories will be FREE to followers.
Ream is a new platform that I am very excited about; it is Patreon for creatives, especially authors. You can charge a monthly fee for subscribers, but people can also follow you for FREE.
If you choose to subscribe, you will then get access to all my books to read at your leisure and a preview of my new book, a Dystopian thriller called The Water Plague.
Here is a sneak preview of the story I published there this week:
Clutched in Tommy's hand was a bloody handkerchief. He remembered the trip to the pub the night before. He didn't think he had drunk that much.
His hands trembled, and he threw the bloody handkerchief away like it had caught fire. A quick search of the clothes he had worn revealed more blood. Tommy threw them all in the corner and tried to block them from his mind.
He went into the shower and let the warm water wash away the thought of blood and the effects of the alcohol. He was still shaking when he finished dressing for work. His mind kept travelling back to the night before. Why had he drunk so much?
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Until next week stay safe
Sam 😊
Quote of the week
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one. - George R.R. Martin
Ream is a promising place. I've set up shop there: