🚨Sharing Your Opinion is Not Always Welcome
In order to be listened to sometimes you need to find the right platform and people.
What is that saying? You should never talk about football, religion and politics to keep followers. To a large extent, I have remembered this with everything I write, but I have opinions about my country and the world that I want to share.
As a writer, when you hit this problem, I believe there is only one solution. If you want to write content your readers wouldn’t expect, I advise setting up another following on a different site. Make this about your new niche.
My advice has always been to write in many niches as long as you are confident. I always suggest, though, that you concentrate these niches on individual platforms. On Medium, this is made easier because you can use different publications for different niches; not all platforms are the same.
Following my Twitter and Post News experiment, which you can see linked below, I have decided that Post News will be the place for my political views and rants. Feel free to give me a follow if this is your thing.
I would say that Post News is not just for news articles; there is a wide selection of niches on the site. So if you were looking for a second place to write, it is not a bad suggestion. Let me know in the chat if you do, and I can give you a follow.
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Until next week stay safe
Sam 😊
Personal picture of the week
Learning Procreate this weekend, this is one of the pictures I drew.
Quote of the week
Books I’m reading
In a bit of a change this week, I would also like to recommend a podcast I listen to every week. Elly Griffiths is a UK author who has written some of my favourite books. She has just started a Podcast where she talks about the process of crime writing. Check out The Plot Thickens.
Articles this week
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