You are never going to be rich as a writer. You might counter and say look at Stephen King and JK Rowling; they have made it big. They are the top of a vast iceberg.
Below them are thousands of writers who have not made enough money to live on. Even JRR Tolkien taught students at University.
So that is the first thing my new academy will teach you. You have to write for passion, not for money.
When we set up the academy, I never intended to claim I could make you loads of money because these are not the writers I want to work with. Sure, you will make some money along the way, but becoming rich is not a reason to enrol.
So now I have told you why not to enrol, let me tell you why you should. First, I am a teacher; those who tell you anyone can teach are lying. I have taught kids who refused to engage with school for twenty-five years. I took this profession to the level of Head Teacher.
If I can teach excluded kids to write, I can teach you. Secondly, you are getting two established crime and history writers for the price of one. Yes, I am embarking on this journey with my partner in crime, Edward Anderson. Anyone reading Ed's writing knows he has a wealth of information to share with us.
We will teach you how to construct a crime or history story that engages the reader. How to write an article from your research. That is the other avenue we will teach you how to find reliable information to use in your articles. Sure, you might make a mistake; mistakes are learning opportunities, but on the whole, we will show you how to find reliable research.
Here is your first piece of advice: You can have this for free whether you sign up or not. Wikipedia is not a reliable source. What you can use it for, though, is to mine other reliable sources to read.
I could have started this article by calling it How to become wealthy writing true crime. Come and join our academy. Many other writers advertise their courses this way. But that would be a lie, and I am not starting this academy promising anything I cannot deliver.
If you have a similar mindset, then come and check out our academy and see if we can help you perfect your craft of writing research-based articles.