Ideas can come from many places at many different times, something I have really grown to appreciate over the last six months while carrying my pocket notebook.
The notebook allows me to capture anything that enters my head instantly. When I look back, some of them are random rubbish, but some are the start of an article. The last three months of these articles have come from random thoughts in my notebook.
It is not just articles these random jottings have provided material for but also social media posts and occasionally thoughts to reflect on in my journal.
There are other methods, though, that you can adopt to create ideas. Some creatives have set sessions where they sit down and create multiple ideas.
So how do you do this?
Think about your target audience and come up with several ideas and headlines that fit into these four categories:
What fears do your target audience have?
What problems and frustrations are they experiencing?
What are their short-term goals and wants?
What are their long-term goals and wants?
Don't overthink it. Just write your best guesses. These are ideas for your following articles. Write articles that answer these questions, share your ideas and thoughts on the topic, and give the reader new knowledge they will need.
Idea creation is as simple as that. The last thing I would say is that if you discover something new that excites you, then share it with others.
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Until next week, stay safe
Sam 😊
A history of ideas, which is all that science fiction ever has been. - Ray Bradbury.