Over the next couple of weeks, I thought it would be an idea to share more personal details to let you get to know me better. Next week, I will share the tale of the haunted house I grew up in, but this week I thought I would tell you a little more about my crime writing career.
I can’t say when I got interested in true crime, but I know it was several years before it became my topic of choice to write about. The first case that fascinated me was that of Jack the Ripper; it still does to this day.
This might be a strange thing to say, but when I am stressed, I read about the Ripper or watch films about him. I mainly think it is because it is a case that I know so much about I rarely hear anything new; hence I can almost switch off and watch it.
Jack the Ripper is not the only case that has fascinated me for years; the disappearance of Madeline McCann is another that I have followed for years and read much about. Another missing person’s case that intrigues me is that of the Sodder Children, that disappeared during a fire.
I have my theories for all these cases, some that I share and others that I might share one day. As well as writing my weekly articles, I am reading and researching my new book on Broadmoor. Research has always been my favourite part of book writing, so I am enjoying this stage of the process.
One of the other areas I am trying to get into is personal images for my articles. I downloaded procreate a couple of months ago, and I don’t think I have done too poorly for someone who even made stickmen look deformed. So if it never goes anywhere, that is fine, as I do this to chill out.
What is your go-to activity for chilling out?
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Until next week stay safe
Sam 😊
Personal picture of the week
Quote of the week
Sometimes people are unlikeable because they don’t like themselves - Dr Gwen Adshead
Books I'm reading
They All Love Jack: Busting the Ripper - Bruce Robinson
The Humans - Matt Haig
The Illustrated Man - Ray Bradbury
Rude - Katie Hopkins
Articles this week
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