As I near the end of writing and editing my new novel, I am facing the question of how to publish it. Do I go for the traditional method of seeking an agent and then a publisher, or do I self-publish?
So, which is the best method of publishing for any author? This depends on several factors and is not a one-answer-fits-all-all scenario.
Traditional publishing is a difficult market to break into. This shouldn’t mean you don’t try, though. It will involve many hours of sending query letters, chapter examples, and waiting. A thick skin is essential; you will receive many rejections before you get a yes.
Self-publishing can be an easier option and results in you having complete control.
You will need to carry out your own editing and cover design. If these are not your areas of strength, many people offer these services at a reasonable rate.
For one of my first novels, I found my cover designer on Fiverr; it cost me less than a takeaway meal. The cover looked professional and eye-catching. I couldn’t have been more pleased with it.
There is always the misconception that traditional publishers will help market your novel. Although they may, to a certain extent, this is not as extensive as it used to be.
Regardless of your chosen path, you must market your book.
This is not an easy job and relies on you previously establishing a social media following. This is where the value of your email list will shine through. These are your first readers; many may even agree to leave you a review.
Reviews are essential for the growth of the book.
Whatever path you travel to sell your fiction, enjoy the process. A book that has been a labour of love will resonate with the readers.
Whether anyone buys your book or not, you have written a novel that is nothing short of amazing.
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Until next week stay safe
Sam 😊
Question of the Week
Who is an author you think does not get the attention they deserve?
Quote of the week
Your future needs you, your past doesn't - Unknown
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