Really I think the best way to go about it is to try it. That way you'll see for yourself if it makes a difference or not. And if it's not worth it for you, you can always cancel or go back down to $5 a month.
Best way to find out in writing is often to experiment. I think that's why so many of us jumped on board. We want every advantage we can get, and a lot of the time, being an early adopter ends up being an advantage.
I think you were right to put that yield sign/exclamation point combo in the title.
Really I think the best way to go about it is to try it. That way you'll see for yourself if it makes a difference or not. And if it's not worth it for you, you can always cancel or go back down to $5 a month.
Best way to find out in writing is often to experiment. I think that's why so many of us jumped on board. We want every advantage we can get, and a lot of the time, being an early adopter ends up being an advantage.